As the International Women’s Day on March 8th approaches, think about the women and girls in your life. Make sure that they know how much they matter to you. This day is about recognizing women’s achievements and reinforcing the global challenge for gender equality. It is great to celebrate with flowers and gifts but we should do more to create a better world for our women.

Speaking of flowers, Mimosa is the chosen flower for International Women’s Day. This choice originated in Italy in 1946 after WWII. Since then, women have been receiving Mimosas on March 8th because these early bloomers represent women’s sensitivity as well as their strength.  Most of us can appreciate these qualities in our mothers who brought us to this world with all their strength, courage, and love. 

According to the International Women’s Day website the theme for 2019 is #BalanceforBetter with a call to action to join the efforts to bring gender equality to this world and make it a safer place for all humans. Let us move toward a better future for all with balance and parity.

In honour of International Women’s Day we extend this $50 gift card (no cash value) to you on your next purchase of any regular priced item, on or before March 8th, 2019.  

International Women's Day gift card