Many people have misconceptions about limits and rules regarding fashion. They stress out and give undue importance to the opinions of peers. As a stylist, I assure you that there is no need to worry. The most important thing about personal style is confidence. A new and improved look leads to a positive body image which in turn boosts self-esteem. When we recognize our self-worth, there are no limits to what we can achieve.

Here are 6 simple techniques to improve your personal style and make shopping fun:

1. Feel good in your own skin.

Our unique characteristics make us special, so instead of comparing ourselves to others, we have to start loving what we have. I usually help my clients find their best look by focusing on every person's distinctive features including body shape and personality. Once the initial assessment of their requirements is done, I incorporate their lifestyle and ideas into my picks for them. The right outfit can turn a negative body image into a positive one, and once that happens, self-love kicks in, followed by a boost in confidence.

2. Be open to learning about the unknown.

Having worked in the fashion industry for numerous years, I've learned that most shoppers make hasty judgments about rare and exceptional products, mainly because they assume to know more than they really do. Plus, they follow mainstream brands and dismiss items that may be superior in quality and style. Consequently, a large number of consumers wear the same bags, shoes, coats, etc. If we don't learn about the variety of products and choices out there, we lose our originality.
When you don't recognize a product (with a brand name that you have never seen before) you can ask and find out what makes it special. We don't have to look like everybody else. Make an educated choice.

3. Friends are precious but think twice before asking their opinion unless they are stylists. Fashion consultants are there to help you.

At times people take the advice of a friend with NO eye for fashion over an experienced consultant. Shopping with a friend is not always a good idea, especially if we are easily influenced by them. Let's not forget how quickly a difference of opinion could be troublesome among friends. For fashion advice ask the professionals. Shop consultants are not just there to sell; a dissatisfied client will never go back. They need you to look amazing since you are a reflection of their work. When sick, one goes to the doctor. Why not seek the advice of a stylist as opposed to a peer who probably lacks the appropriate knowledge and experience to help you look your best. Yes, it's human nature to seek friends' approval, but we must remember to protect our individuality.

4. Say goodbye to old rules and limits.

There is a common assumption among my new clients when I consult with them for the first time. Many believe that there are strict rules of dress for every occasion. Ironically, they recount stories about attending parties where all the guests seem to be wearing the same boring attire. Perhaps they feel pressured to conform to societal expectations and in the process lose their own sense of existence.

5. Step out of the box.

Fashion should be fun and experimental. Occasionally, I insist that my clients try on pieces that they wouldn't normally consider suitable, before completely dismissing the possibilities. The outcome usually surprises them in a positive way. Why not step out of our comfort zone once in a while? You never know unless you try!

6. You are never too old to treat yourself well.

Too often I hear people call themselves old and beyond help which is far from the truth. We can look great at any stage of life. Thankfully there are many stylish seniors out there who can inspire us and give us hope for the future. Everything looks better when we start to take better care of ourselves!

The above techniques, are among many more that could make your fashion experience more gratifying . When we feel comfortable in our own skin, we start to see ourselves in a different light, and guess what, so do the others. It's courageous to let go of insecurities and be unique in a world that is full of conformity and limitations. Fortunately, it is never too late to develop a personal style that reflects our individuality. Think about style icons like Marlene Dietrich, Audrey Hepburn, Jackie Kennedy Onassis, Karl Lagerfeld, Diana Ross, Anna Wintour, and so on. Such Icons were and are leaders not followers. Leaders would not simply comply with the rules and standards; they are risk takers who respect their own existence and create looks that are unique to them. We are all special in our own way. By the way, you don't have to be a star to have a stylist. To experience what a stylist can do for you, contact us. We have only one life to live; let's enjoy the journey.

Best regards,